Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas still happens in an empty compound

From the adventures of bunsy and her tumbleweeds
Christmas morning. Atticus is excited to show Sherman the present he helped Dad pick out yesterday.
From the adventures of bunsy and her tumbleweeds
Our family Christmas photo for the year. I know, it's flattering. Tigger is sitting in for our absent baby who has decided to remain inside me for a little longer.
From the adventures of bunsy and her tumbleweeds
Mike and Paula, a couple of the funnest people in our compound, graced us with their company for Christmas dinner. The kids adore them.So do we.
From the adventures of bunsy and her tumbleweeds
After Christmas what's there to do besides go to the beach and catch some crabs? Cinci was the only one of our kids that would dare touch them. Atticus helped me hunt for them, Shermy didn't care that they existed, and Cinci loved to tickle them. We managed to catch four of them. I was very excited about it. Last time we focused more on the little hermit crabs, but this time we got some bigger ones.
I hope my next post will include some pictures of our little baby. We are hoping for a 2009 baby, but in the end it won't matter. Just as long as he's a healthy, happy baby.

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