Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My baby is sick.

Well, I can't really complain since our family has benefited from stellar health for a really long time. With three kids 5 and under, how can you mantain such a record for very long? I don't know the secret. It's definitely a combination of things. God's will, eating habits, cleanliness of the home, etc. Anyway, my precious baby has gotten sick. He has this raspy cough and a fever. I don't have much faith in taking him to the doctor yet. Why bother if you don't believe what the doctor is telling you? It always takes a little blood and a lot more suffering for me to build up enough faith to obey a doctors orders, especially while abroad. Culture has a lot to do with medical practices over here. Speaking of medical practices, I still haven't been to a doctor for the upcoming arrival of my fourth son. I know, I'm being careless, but I've been reading these reviews of the different hospitals here and I'm really indecisive now. Fortunately, all my pregnancies have been normal as have been my births. I have a goal to call and make an appointment tomorrow with a recommended doctor. Unless "my precious" keeps me from making the phone call, I will be scheduled in, I hope.

Meanwhile I've been putting together a poor mans version of these for my two schoolgoers. Why do I say "poor mans" version? Well, who really has 14 paper towel tubes just sitting around? I'd have to go to the store, buy 14 rolls and rip the paper towels off them to make this craft. So, I'll post a picture of what mine looks like tomorrow, when my kids aren't looking. The countdown will start this Saturday. I'm really excited because I know they will be excited too. Oh, isn't it fun when you can still surprise your kids?

Oh yeah, another reason why my version of this is a "poor mans" version is that red bulbous thing sitting on number 2. What poor kid do you know would prefer an apple over candy? I filled one of the slots to the brim with Mamba candies.

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