Friday, November 9, 2007

Definitely not Constantinople!

This bridge is one of two bridges that cross the Bosphorus. We cross this one every Sunday to go to church. The kids love to look out to the water at all the ships that are passing below us. We have been here almost two months and I feel like we are already set into the mentality that we will be here forever and have plenty of time to see everything. I know this is not so. Jonathan and I went and lived in Barcelona for five months right after we were married. We had no children then. We thought we would get to know the city like the backs of our hands. Instead, we gave up a lot of our free days to stay at our apartment to watch dramatic Spanısh soap operas and sleep. Looking back I kick myself for not taking advantage of the opportunıty to know that cıty wıth ıntımacy. Oh well. With Istanbul thıngs wıll be dıfferent. Even though I have kids I will get to know this city and so will they!


Cranberryfries said...

What a beautiful picture! It looks so much like SF bridge to me... How great you are taking advantage of a fun opportunity!

Bonnie said...

what a beautiful view.

otherwise known as Sam said...

S.U.P.E.R. woman. That's you! What a beautiful city. I can't wait to hear about your city adventures.
Still missing you...

Jill Hunt said...

Just simply beautiful!