Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jonathan is making this week a hell week. To bed at midnight and out the door again at 5:30 so he can work on his thesis before work. Maybe two of the days this week will bring him home around 5:30 so we can eat together and I can have a break. But, actually Monday and today have gone pretty well. I haven't screamed at the kids at all, or yelled, or been mean which is something I break down and do under stress. The fact that I'm actually writing this is a sign that things are going well. Yesterday I spent naptime unearthing old photographs. It was pretty fun. My nephew, Isaiah, who is now 6 was treated questionably as a toddler (the proof is in the photos), and perhaps the reason for his now strange behavior.
We celebrated my mother's day last sunday and Jonathan gave me a camp stove (for me) and a Ben and Jerry's ice cream cake (for him). I really appreciate his creative streak at buying gifts for me. I'm often surprised. (I actually spied the cake before he gave it to me when I was retrieving frozen broccoli from the freezer in the garage) Shhh! Don't tell him. The fat cow on the cake box gave it away.

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