Tuesday, February 22, 2011


How do you perceive yourself? Are you "cool"? Do other people think you're "cool"? Do you think other people think you're "cool"? Do you even think about how other people might perceive you? I guess there are some people in this world that are either so busy with their jobs or so obsessed about things to notice what they must look like to others. Like Josie Grossie for example. She was so in love with Billy Prince she didn't even realize what she might look like to him. Then there are people that worry too much about what other people think to the opposite extreme. People that take monthly shopping sprees to the mall just after reading, I mean, "going through" the most recent Vogue or whatever fashion magazines there are out there. Do people really care what some lady in the supermarket is wearing? Do people really comment or make fun of people because of what they're wearing? OK, maybe in high school. But I'm talking about after high school. Well. . . . . . . . . I did have one experience in college where I was still wearing pajamas to school on a day I only had one class. I'd just had my first baby and my life revolved around him. Did I really need to get fully dressed to go to one class? Well, as I was walking in the parking lot out to my car, two handsome young men walked by and said "Good night!" to me. I didn't respond but I thought about it for a second and realized that they were actually paying attention to what I was wearing. You'd think that university students would have more on their minds than apparel! And it wasn't like I was wearing those turn of the century flannel nightgowns with the lace around the neck. Or ladybug pajamas. Not even silky sexy pajamas. It was just flannel pants and a fleece jacket. Anyway, you can tell that experience really affected me because I still remember it. Has anyone ever made fun of you or just commented on what you were wearing in a way other than, "Oh, I love what you're wearing!"? I'd love to hear the stories and the circumstances. Do share!

Anyway, the point of my post is that it is impossible for my husband and myself to brag about ourselves. It's even difficult for us to tell the truth about ourselves. Well, for me it is. Job interviews are pointless for me. I'd never get a job if it were based solely on an interview. Anyway, the other day when I was with some friends I ventured a little and did the impossible. I bragged. I felt so uncomfortable afterward that I have vowed never to do it again. Ever. It's just not my way. I told my husband about it and he stated that we have a problem on our hands. How will our children ever be self confident if they don't know how to brag? Especially boys. They love to brag. Isn't that how boys get through high school? Bragging about themselves and making themselves feel like they're better than all their friends?

So, we feel like we would be doing our children a disservice if they didn't excel in the art of boasting and bragging. Tonight we practiced doing the lame 'stir the pot' victory dance thing. (See, I'm so lame I don't even know what it's called!) I guess tomorrow we'll watch some sports and have the kids copy the athletes after they get a goal. We'll see how that goes. Wish us luck!


Taranani said...

That's the funniest thing I've heard in ages; have your kids watch sports to copy the victory dances. Oh, Christine. You crack me up.

Aimee said...

I don't think it's bad to mention the things you're good at, but to make it appear less braggy, throw in something you're awful at. For example, last week in YW we were discussing how you can invite the spirit into your home by keeping things clean and tidy. Someone pointed out that my house is always clean and tidy. I admitted (bragged?) that this was true. But I also said that this State of Clean is accompanied by a healthy dose of OCD. I like to think it balances out in the end?

Sonja said...

Well, let me tell you what my wise old Jeremy always says to the folks in our house:
"Don't toot yer own horn. Let somebody else do it for ya."

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending) most of the folks at our house don't always prescribe to that little axiom.

Oh my, there is so much good about you Christine! I just love you to pieces.