Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thank you George Washington Carver!

How many of you actually know who George Washington Carver is? Probably a lot of you. Well, I'd heard his name over and over in my life but I couldn't tell anyone what he was known for. I finally read about him in E.D. Hirsch Jr. and John Holden's "What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know". He invented ways to use peanuts that most people would never think of. Thanks to him all those American moms out there who are tired at the days end and don't want to bother cooking because their husbands won't be home to eat it anyway can just whip up a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids and self and relax. Take it easy. All those moms who are living abroad trying to figure out how to make food their kids will eat can just pack up a few of those "Jelly and Sandwiches", as my kids call them, and go down to the train station and eat them while they wait. Thank you George!


Hillary said...

Thank goodness for peanut butter. It's one of our staples.

Aimee said...

I've started making my own peanut butter and it is really REALLY tasty. I buy a 1.47 YTL package of peanuts, add a tablespoon of oil or tahini, then use my mini processor bowl that came free with the hand blender stick thing. It probably makes enough for 3 hearty sandwiches.

Lisa said...

YAY for peanut butter! It took me about 2 weeks to find it here and I was worried I would never find it! :) On a side note: Do you want to be a contributor on my traveling with tots blog? You would be great! Email me at if you are interested

Cameron said...

Hey Christine hows it going? So you guys go to the station to wait for the train Jonathan gets back on? Or do Atticus and Sherman still freak out and scream with delight when they see a train? Hey do you have site meter Tara found out about it last week and it is pretty interesting you can go to a map to see all the people that have looked at your blog. So when I go on it and see who has looked today sometimes I see a dot all the way over there about where istanbul should be and think to myself that must be my sister.